Teachers Pensions

"Welcome the new era of issue tracking software, because it's based on semantic data storage." ©R. Nixon

Teachers Pensions

By adding the Payrite TPA module to your system, you can significantly reduce the time spent on the annual returns made for Teachers Pensions (which are well known as time-consuming and complex returns.) Payrite retains the history of the salary payments made throughout the teacher’s year, and by adding the TPA module it helps smooth the process of the returns with as much automation as possible. Payrite makes the data, collation and final return in the format specified by Teachers Pensions.

These are the key features within Payrite that facilitate the production of the Annual Return (AR):

  • Retention of spine and grade information
  • Multiple post data
  • Multiple pension scheme membership

Every teacher must be allocated a salary that is controlled by a spine. This includes extra supplements recognized by Teachers Pensions as superannuable allowances. Payrite maintains these salaries and supplements with their values, which must be updated each pay award. They are then allocated the correct code within the Return.